The parable of the lying tailor and the compassionate customer.|

Yesterday, I suffered a shocker. A huge shocker indeed. Because I learn’t the hard way why mixing business with friendship in these dangerous times has bitter consequences. The story started four weeks ago. See, there was this tailor in town that I was used to bringing him my clothes to mend for close to oneContinue reading “The parable of the lying tailor and the compassionate customer.|”

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Welcome to the World of Complementary Competition.|

Facebook & Yahoo had numerous lawsuits against each other till recently when they realized that working together as competitors would be more rewarding than tearing each other apart. And that’s what I call complementary competiton. The business world today has a lot of mounting pressure & the last thing you need is to add enemiesContinue reading “Welcome to the World of Complementary Competition.|”

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Hope in the face of Despair.

Many times we do find ourselves dangling at the edge of a cliff; friendships on a downward spiral, unsuccessful relationships, debts at an all time high, financial droughts year after year, opportunity after opportunity passing us by, fruitless efforts… the list goes on & on. The point where our dignity is at stake & lifeContinue reading “Hope in the face of Despair.”

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