An Introvert’s Perspective of Teamwork|

Having been raised as the only son in the family with two sisters, I practically had to learn to deal with issues on my own. See, there was this imbalanced sibling rivalry that was manifested in the way I dealt with confrontations within the family. If either of my sisters had an arguement, they hadContinue reading “An Introvert’s Perspective of Teamwork|”

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The most scary reality for me when I wake up each morning is to realize that I’ll give an account of how I spent each & every second on this planet. There’s no insurance, no playbacks… nothing. Once I’ve made a mistake, or wasted my precious energy on a meaningless past time, then that’s it!Continue reading “Life|”

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Did you wake up feeling Alone and in Despair?… you’re not alone. Please read on…|

When I opened my eyes this morning, I felt this invicible heaviness on my body. It’s a feeling that goes beyond words. In fact, It’s a weird culmination so to speak… of despair, laziness, depression, loneliness… you name it. Now all that concotion in one heavy dosage. Fact is, its become common… not just inContinue reading “Did you wake up feeling Alone and in Despair?… you’re not alone. Please read on…|”

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Remnants of the Big City|

So last weekend, I met an old lady friend of mine at the Anniversary towers; *EK, an undergraduate student in Pharmacy at the University of Nairobi. We hadn’t met for a very long time since 2003 & we had a lot of catching up to do. We talked about life events that ensued & howContinue reading “Remnants of the Big City|”

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It takes a STRONG character to CONFORM & say YES, but it takes a STRONGER character to DISCERN and say NO|

In my previous article, “It’s a Cruel World of Assumptions” I addressed the major challenge that I’ve had to endure during my tenure as Mr. Kenyatta University 2011. And that challenge has basically been the bombardment of unrealistic expectations in my life. And after meditating on my confession, I realized that indeed, it takes aContinue reading “It takes a STRONG character to CONFORM & say YES, but it takes a STRONGER character to DISCERN and say NO|”

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It’s a cruel world of Assumptions|

I’ve been in the modelling industry for past two years & thus, when I was crowned Mr. Kenyatta University 2011, I Learn’t the hard way that this planet has a populance that’s addicted & in love with assumptions & presumptions. Indeed, there are those who make the mistake of judging others based on their outwardContinue reading “It’s a cruel world of Assumptions|”

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Meanwhile… as we ceaselessly complain.|

It’s interesting how people perceive life in such diverse ways that you would be forgiven for thinking that they live in different planets. From the Greeks who’ve lost their jobs & bear the brunt of the Euro crisis, to the Chinese billionaires who rake in lots & lots of money year after year from exportingContinue reading “Meanwhile… as we ceaselessly complain.|”

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The parable of the lying tailor and the compassionate customer.|

Yesterday, I suffered a shocker. A huge shocker indeed. Because I learn’t the hard way why mixing business with friendship in these dangerous times has bitter consequences. The story started four weeks ago. See, there was this tailor in town that I was used to bringing him my clothes to mend for close to oneContinue reading “The parable of the lying tailor and the compassionate customer.|”

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They’re Unhappy, but they won’t admit it.|

This post will definitely annoy some radical feminists out there. But as confucius once said; “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. Which means that it doesn’t matter how many speeches & manifestos feminists give in the limelight. What counts is that behind the scenes, these women are unhappy. And since weContinue reading “They’re Unhappy, but they won’t admit it.|”

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Let The Man Have His Pride.|

I’ve personally been raised up in a generation of assumptions. Sex education was something I had to discover for myself through American Pie, my peers & unfortunately, pornography. Before High School, I was a boy. The moment I joined high school, I found myself in a confusing predicament. Why? Because I was presumed to beContinue reading “Let The Man Have His Pride.|”

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