Why are men so irresponsible these days?

A lady this weekend asked me, Why are men so irresponsible these days? This was my reply to her… The biggest challenge for men today is the feeling of inadequacy. The inadequacy to provide enough. The inadequacy to match up to a woman and have a stable relationship. And the inadequacy of guidance on howContinue reading “Why are men so irresponsible these days?”

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Are ladies Aiming to Far?|

That’s the issue that’s been ringing in my head for the past few weeks. It started when I noticed with keen interest some ladies in my hometown that we had grown up with &  had found their knights in shining armour in the “diaspora”, or greener pastures so to speak, but were expressing anguish &Continue reading “Are ladies Aiming to Far?|”

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They’re Unhappy, but they won’t admit it.|

This post will definitely annoy some radical feminists out there. But as confucius once said; “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. Which means that it doesn’t matter how many speeches & manifestos feminists give in the limelight. What counts is that behind the scenes, these women are unhappy. And since weContinue reading “They’re Unhappy, but they won’t admit it.|”

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Materialism & It’s Side-Effects.|

Everyone loves gifts. Especially flashy & expensive ones. The complete & original package with a sufficient warranty time-frame. But at times, this ‘liking’ is taken too far. I once read a saying that goes, “The good parking spots(men) are occupied & the rest are handicapped.” Which prompted me to wonder, have men been objectified &Continue reading “Materialism & It’s Side-Effects.|”

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Is Polygamy a case of Vengeance?|

Apparently, many men are frustrated. Young guys especially. They wanna get married but they have numerous thorns in their flesh. Like financial instability, financial instability &… yes. FINANCIAL INSTABILITY. So forget these other excuses that ladies give about a guy not being tall, dark & handsome. I mean… how does that factor in itself payContinue reading “Is Polygamy a case of Vengeance?|”

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The Power of Composure.|

Life isn’t easy… & yes! I do know that you’ve been told that numerous times. Yet, everyone wants to make life easy. Everyone wants a heaven on earth BUT few achieve it. In a world full of myriads of disasters & chaos, one tends to wonder if a life of ease is achievable. Then weContinue reading “The Power of Composure.|”

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HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! A toast to our ‘Trinity Dads’!

The essence of responsible fathers in our lives can’t be emphasized enough. These invicible heroes make a huge difference in our lives; from the years of crawling on all fours to this present day. They’ve ensured that we grow strong & healthy as we gain in wisdom & stature. However, the misconception that’s yet toContinue reading “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! A toast to our ‘Trinity Dads’!”

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I am Blessed!

Oh yes! If you’re reading this, it’s another brand new day my friend! It’s another gift that has been bestowed upon us by the Almighty God… a gift so precious, so priceless that all riches combined on this planet cannot purchase it! It’s another priviledged opportunity to yawn & rub my eyes as I lookContinue reading “I am Blessed!”

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You’re the EmCee of your life…

Many of us read stuff yet don’t practice it. And that’s because we let our minds wander back & forth forgetting that this life is not only a journey, but also an event that requires a quality emcee. Yet we let this event called life be taken over by other emcees because we lack discipline,Continue reading “You’re the EmCee of your life…”

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Personified Mindset Weapons against Porn addiction.|

After getting massive response from my previous article; ‘The ‘innocent’ appetizers of porn addiction’ ,I’ve felt the urge to soldier on & address this issue in numeous articles to come. Many articles on the web are unreliable & dishonest. Infact, if you google for articles in regards to porn addiction on the web, most ‘solvers’Continue reading “Personified Mindset Weapons against Porn addiction.|”

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